Monday, July 5, 2010

Quick Update

I was away from Antigua this weekend and have not yet written about my travels. I will update the blog tomorrow probably because today I will be celebrating my birthday!!! This is the third year in a row that I am out of the country for my birthday but the first year totally away from friends and family. So far, so good though! Amanda, my teacher, brought me a small present of candies this morning and I've been reading everyone's Facebook birthday wishes. I'm planning on having drinks tonight with some friends I've met here. I miss everyone back home but I am also very fortunate to have met some great people down here!

P.S. We went to a couple large artisan markets this weekend and I must admit that I bought myself a few birthday presents, haha.

1 comment:

  1. Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag meine Freunde! Du bist total genial, or as they call awesome over here, "Ayobaa!!"

    You're totally Ayobaa and I hope you're having a great time on your side of the pond.

    We'll have to catch up soon! Hopefully with another rendezvous in DC??!!

    Take care,

    PS The World Cup has been more than incredible---you're coming with me to Brazil in 2014! :-)
    PPS I finally got the umlaut to work!! :-D
